Find Naloxone Suppliers

Find nearby naloxone suppliers and access information on how to use naloxone.

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Find Naloxone

Easily find and navigate to naloxone locations all over Somerset.

Learn About Naloxone

Watch videos on how to use various naloxone products and how they work.

Helpful Guides

Information and guides written by people who care.

Carry Naloxone Supplier Screen

How It Works

Carry Naloxone makes it easy to find nearby locations that supply naloxone in Somerset. With our Google Maps integration, you can easily check the opening times and locations of these community locations, including pharmacies, and navigate straight to them.

  • Find locations that supply free naloxone kits and training
  • Check opening times and other harm reduction resources
  • Get directions with Google Maps
  • Learn how to use naloxone and save lives

Naloxone Is For Everyone

Naloxone is available to anyone who wants the skills and resources to help prevent opioid overdoses and save lives.

Get Naloxone Now!